Individual Supporters

We have been very fortunate to receive generous donations from individuals who support our objectives. Any support that you can offer in this respect will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to sponsor a particular aspect of our activities (e.g. a soloist at a concert or one of our weekend workshops) we would be very happy to discuss that with you. Perhaps this could be done to celebrate a special birthday for a family member or an anniversary? Donations can be sent to our Treasurer, Roger Monk, at 65 Lockwood Rd, Northfield, Birmingham B31 1QE.

If you are a UK taxpayer please consider Gift Aiding your donation. As BFCS is a registered charity, donations can be gift-aided by printing off and filling in this form and sending it to Roger at the address above. Using Gift Aid means that BFCS will receive an extra 25% on top of your donation via a rebate from HM Revenue and Customs. If you are a higher rate tax payer you will also receive a rebate from HMRC when you include the donation on your annual tax return.

In the past we have benefitted enormously from legacies from choir members and supporters and also from donations in memory of loved ones. Perhaps this is something that you could consider for the future?

For further information about donating please contact our Fundraising Coordinator at

The friendly Birmingham choir singing the world's best choral music.